
What Does it Mean To Be REAL?

For the past couple of years now, I have learned that those old hard-sales techniques don't really work anymore. It's not that they weren't effective at one time or another, but now a days, with the use of the internet and people constantly being bombarded with other peoples products and opportunities--we are much more aware of being "sold" to. Many authors say that no one really wants to be sold to, but people definitely enjoy buying. Isn't that interesting?? So, how do we offer people a solution to their problem without trying to force them to believe our product is better than Joe Smiths product? How best can we serve others--without trying to use sales techniques, like closing and manipulating to get the results we want? Well, I don't know about you but it doesn't feel good to try to force others to bend to your will. In fact it doesn't work! It's like trying to roll a boulder through the sand--pretty hard to do. But what if there w...

Important Questions On Wealth and Abundance!

Good Afternoon!, Here is an exercise I did today that came from my Beyond Freedom , dealing mainly with how I see myself and the ways that I want to growe more. (see the section " Change and acceptance "). I was parcipating in the mastermind call last night and these questions just flew out of my mind and I immediately wrote them down. This morning I woke up and answered them while at the pool and felt goosebumps seeing all the ways that I have blocked my own empowerment--and how I can move forward. Here are the questions I came up with that spoke true to me and you can alter them if you wish so they work for you: My main focus was on wealth and abundance! 1. How would it feel, inside and out to be totally abundant? 2. How would I feel about helping others who need financial assistance? Am I open to being of service in this arena? 3. What does it feel like to order the most expensive thing on the menu? 4. WHere have I felt the most "out of integrity" in my...

Three Steps For The Mindset Of Marketing

Some of you may have heard of the term or catch phrase, "BE, DO, HAVE." I want each and everyone of you to understand the power of Being vs. Doing when it comes to marketing. The key is to BE first and then do, and thus have. The BEINGNESS has to do with weaving consciousness into everything you do. What i mean by this is you're going to want to be aligned within as well as on the outside with WHO you are. You can learn a lot about yourself just by picking up a journal at the local Barnes and Noble or Borders bookstore and writing in it every day for about 15 minutes. How you feel about an ad you place, whether it be on the Internet, newspaper, web blog, or magazine--the same principles apply. Unfortunately all any savvy marketer can do is teach you the steps, basic steps to marketing--but I cannot teach you how to BE. Being has nothing to do with your ego or with doing! Instead being has everything to do with the present moment and how you feel right now, and now a...


The other day, I had a great conversation with a close friend of mine. We were talking about the importance of being yourself, under any and all circumstances. The toltec teachings are extremely powerful when it comes to living a life of INTEGRITY! And both of us have read The Four Agreements once or twice before. One of the agreements is to "don't take anything personally" I realize that this is a huge one for me. I must admit, I have always taken things personally. Even if someone said something to a friend that I felt was wrong--I still took it personally. I was always ready to get in an argument and I realize now, that I don't want to drain my energy in this way anymore! I can actually choose differently and not be run by my ego's desire to be RIGHT all the time. Once I had the "epiphany" if you will, i felt this sensation of openness and relaxation. I was no longer in "frustration" mode and I could breathe easier! I also made a dec...

Three Foot-Toss

In my business, there are many excellent leaders who know the ropes and are willing to share their own expertise so all of our businesses can grow as quickly as we want them to. One thing I recently got from another leader in the company was the idea of the three-foot toss. It kinda reminds me of 12-step programs and how they say if a person wants to heal and move on from a previous addiction--mine was an addiction to self-pity and victimhood (which i'm sure many of you can relate too)--you've gotta take "Baby steps." Baby steps is just another way of saying "three-foot toss ." I used to want to pick up the whole bucket and throw it as far as I could, hoping and praying that I would get what I want. Now that I am older and more mature, I know that what works best is to take it a step at a time. Instead of chucking the entire barrell, I pick up the apples or oranges (symbolic of what life gives us sometimes) and toss them into the barrell! I can control my f...

GEt Busy LIving or Get Busy Dying!

Many of you may of heard of this quote from the famous short story/movie by Stephen King, " The Shawshank Redemption ." It is one of my favorite quotes of all time! The reason being it rings true in every sense and I feel it now more than ever at the age of 29! This morning I woke up and realized I have spent way too much time feeling sorry for myself, or trying to hide my fears and insecurities, and all that did was make them grow stronger and scarier. I used to tell myself that if I just had better parents, or a more loving home, or a wealth family...then I would be happy! But all of that doesn't mean a thing if we don't take responsibility for ourselves. I live in Los ANgeles, and have for about the last 6 years and I get to go to screenings and meet the actors of movies and such and it's a lot of fun! But i realized today that I go to those things because I want to BE IN THE ENERGY OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING A LIFE OF PURPOSE AND LOVING WHAT THEY DO! This is soo...

The Four Agreements...

Hello Everyone, I just finished reading " the Four Agreements " by Don Miguel Ruiz for about the third time and this time something struck a chord with me. I realized that I had been living my life like a 'domesticated animal' only allowed to function in the world like a dog--trained to just go through the motions but not really using this faculty all of us humans have--our MINDS! My sister and I just got back form a long journey across country, and although it was an experience I will never forget, I realize that the answers are never out there--they are within. What I found out on this journey was that I have taken the 'road less traveled' and although this has made all the difference it is my desire to attract other like-minded individuals to me so we can travel this road together, exploring our strenghts and talents and living a life without limits!!! We are NOT domesticated animals unless we stop thinking for ourselves . I no longer choose to look to othe...