GEt Busy LIving or Get Busy Dying!
Many of you may of heard of this quote from the famous short story/movie
by Stephen King, "The Shawshank Redemption." It is one of my favorite quotes of all time! The reason being it rings true in every sense and I feel it now more than ever at the age of 29!
This morning I woke up and realized I have spent way too much time feeling sorry for myself, or trying to hide my fears and insecurities, and all that did was make them grow stronger and scarier. I used to tell myself that if I just had better parents, or a more loving home, or a wealth family...then I would be happy! But all of that doesn't mean a thing if we don't take responsibility for ourselves.
I live in Los ANgeles, and have for about the last 6 years and I get to go to screenings and meet the actors of movies and such and it's a lot of fun! But i realized today that I go to those things because I want to BE IN THE ENERGY OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING A LIFE OF PURPOSE AND LOVING WHAT THEY DO! This is sooo important to me and I think to the human race. We are meant to discover our passion, made for happiness and prosperity, meant to find love and to be in the loving with those we meet. But its we judge ourselves and others that we make ourselves into victims and victims NEVER take responsibility for themselves.
Last night I got to wait in a long line at the Arclight off of Sunset in Los Angeles, CA to see a sneak peak of the new film "GET SMART" with Steve Carrel, Ann Hathaway and ALan Arken. Afterwords we were able to ask Steve questions in a Q&A session for the upcoming MTV MOVIE awards. I made the BOLD decision to ask him a question or two. And although I was nervous because I think he's a good actor and hilarious...I stepped up to the plate and it felt GOOD! He was very polite and answered my questions but what he kept reiteration was to DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE MONEY WILL FOLLOW. He never set out to be 'famous' only to do what he loves which is acting. And now, he gets paid generously for doing what he loves and never even feels much like work. NOW that is what I desire to experience in my work as well!
Thanks for listening and I look forward to next time!!
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by Stephen King, "The Shawshank Redemption." It is one of my favorite quotes of all time! The reason being it rings true in every sense and I feel it now more than ever at the age of 29!
This morning I woke up and realized I have spent way too much time feeling sorry for myself, or trying to hide my fears and insecurities, and all that did was make them grow stronger and scarier. I used to tell myself that if I just had better parents, or a more loving home, or a wealth family...then I would be happy! But all of that doesn't mean a thing if we don't take responsibility for ourselves.
I live in Los ANgeles, and have for about the last 6 years and I get to go to screenings and meet the actors of movies and such and it's a lot of fun! But i realized today that I go to those things because I want to BE IN THE ENERGY OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING A LIFE OF PURPOSE AND LOVING WHAT THEY DO! This is sooo important to me and I think to the human race. We are meant to discover our passion, made for happiness and prosperity, meant to find love and to be in the loving with those we meet. But its we judge ourselves and others that we make ourselves into victims and victims NEVER take responsibility for themselves.
Last night I got to wait in a long line at the Arclight off of Sunset in Los Angeles, CA to see a sneak peak of the new film "GET SMART" with Steve Carrel, Ann Hathaway and ALan Arken. Afterwords we were able to ask Steve questions in a Q&A session for the upcoming MTV MOVIE awards. I made the BOLD decision to ask him a question or two. And although I was nervous because I think he's a good actor and hilarious...I stepped up to the plate and it felt GOOD! He was very polite and answered my questions but what he kept reiteration was to DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE MONEY WILL FOLLOW. He never set out to be 'famous' only to do what he loves which is acting. And now, he gets paid generously for doing what he loves and never even feels much like work. NOW that is what I desire to experience in my work as well!
Thanks for listening and I look forward to next time!!
Want to learn how to make a signficant income, working from home, and never having to answer to a BOSS again? GO to:
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