Three Steps For The Mindset Of Marketing

Some of you may have heard of the term or catch phrase, "BE, DO, HAVE." I want each and everyone of you to understand the power of Being vs. Doing when it comes to marketing. The key is to BE first and then do, and thus have. The BEINGNESS has to do with weaving consciousness into everything you do. What i mean by this is you're going to want to be aligned within as well as on the outside with WHO you are. You can learn a lot about yourself just by picking up a journal at the local Barnes and Noble or Borders bookstore and writing in it every day for about 15 minutes.

How you feel about an ad you place, whether it be on the Internet, newspaper, web blog, or magazine--the same principles apply. Unfortunately all any savvy marketer can do is teach you the steps, basic steps to marketing--but I cannot teach you how to BE. Being has nothing to do with your ego or with doing! Instead being has everything to do with the present moment and how you feel right now, and now and now.

You and only you are responsible for your end result--because only you can take charge of who you choose to be. In fact, 97% of people out there are stuck in the 'victim' place of being which is why each day seems to get harder and harder and their doesn't seem to be a joyful end in sight! This is where I would say that you want to take a look at whether or not you want to be empowered or to stay stuck in victim mode. Does this at all make sense to you?

Doing often implies ego, doing requires the mindset of I 've got to get there, got to make money now and I got to achieve my goals! These feelings are all fine, but what you will want to do is look at who you are being and whether or not that is attractive to you, because if it's not then people are not going want to buy your product or work with you.
So the three steps are:

1.know who you are and where you are going. Be the leader and others will follow.
2. Do your own daily cleaning of the mind by journaling everyday for about 15 minutes each day.
3. Lastly, check inside and don't place an ad unless you do it from a place of being. Relaxed, no longer wanting to 'get' something but instead choosing to offer yourself and your expertise.

From that place you will then want to know inside and in your deepest guy that by placing this ad from a place of being you will attract customers, prospects etc to you!


Cynthia Farsadi has been a successful business owner since 2005 and has been marketing her home business in the field of personal development. She enjoys assisting others in being free in mind, body and spirit! 1-800-763-8168


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