Three Foot-Toss

In my business, there are many excellent leaders who know the ropes and are willing to share their own expertise so all of our businesses can grow as quickly as we want them to.

One thing I recently got from another leader in the company was the idea of the three-foot toss. It kinda reminds me of 12-step programs and how they say if a person wants to heal and move on from a previous addiction--mine was an addiction to self-pity and victimhood (which i'm sure many of you can relate too)--you've gotta take "Baby steps."

Baby steps is just another way of saying "three-foot toss." I used to want to pick up the whole bucket and throw it as far as I could, hoping and praying that I would get what I want. Now that I am older and more mature, I know that what works best is to take it a step at a time. Instead of chucking the entire barrell, I pick up the apples or oranges (symbolic of what life gives us sometimes) and toss them into the barrell! I can control my focus, I can control my thoughts, and I can control where i position my hands, arms and feet! But once that apple is thrown, then the rest is history. It's about knowing what you can control and what you can't. THIS IS HUGE for me and I love that I have a business and people around me that show me how to create the life I want, one step at a time.

It's getting warmer here in the valley! ANd things are gonna change, I can feel it!


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