
Showing posts from May, 2008

GEt Busy LIving or Get Busy Dying!

Many of you may of heard of this quote from the famous short story/movie by Stephen King, " The Shawshank Redemption ." It is one of my favorite quotes of all time! The reason being it rings true in every sense and I feel it now more than ever at the age of 29! This morning I woke up and realized I have spent way too much time feeling sorry for myself, or trying to hide my fears and insecurities, and all that did was make them grow stronger and scarier. I used to tell myself that if I just had better parents, or a more loving home, or a wealth family...then I would be happy! But all of that doesn't mean a thing if we don't take responsibility for ourselves. I live in Los ANgeles, and have for about the last 6 years and I get to go to screenings and meet the actors of movies and such and it's a lot of fun! But i realized today that I go to those things because I want to BE IN THE ENERGY OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LIVING A LIFE OF PURPOSE AND LOVING WHAT THEY DO! This is soo...

The Four Agreements...

Hello Everyone, I just finished reading " the Four Agreements " by Don Miguel Ruiz for about the third time and this time something struck a chord with me. I realized that I had been living my life like a 'domesticated animal' only allowed to function in the world like a dog--trained to just go through the motions but not really using this faculty all of us humans have--our MINDS! My sister and I just got back form a long journey across country, and although it was an experience I will never forget, I realize that the answers are never out there--they are within. What I found out on this journey was that I have taken the 'road less traveled' and although this has made all the difference it is my desire to attract other like-minded individuals to me so we can travel this road together, exploring our strenghts and talents and living a life without limits!!! We are NOT domesticated animals unless we stop thinking for ourselves . I no longer choose to look to othe...