Important Questions On Wealth and Abundance!

Good Afternoon!,

Here is an exercise I did today that came from my Beyond Freedom, dealing mainly with how I see myself and the ways that I want to growe more. (see the section "Change and acceptance").

I was parcipating in the mastermind call last night and these questions just flew out of my mind and I immediately wrote them down. This morning I woke up and answered them while at the pool and felt goosebumps seeing all the ways that I have blocked my own empowerment--and how I can move forward.

Here are the questions I came up with that spoke true to me and you can alter them if you wish so they work for you: My main focus was on wealth and abundance!

1. How would it feel, inside and out to be totally abundant?

2. How would I feel about helping others who need financial assistance? Am I open to being of service in this arena?

3. What does it feel like to order the most expensive thing on the menu?

4. WHere have I felt the most "out of integrity" in my life? And how does this relate to my 'mission statement?'

Shannon L. talks a lot about this topic, and it's in your Beyond Freedom. Gotta have a mission statement for you and your business, it is your WHY.

thanks for listening and feel free to let me know anything you discovered about yourself today or this week?

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